#OneRoomChallenge, Week One: A Shared Master Bedroom and Nursery
I was on the fence about tackling the One Room Challenge again so soon after having a baby (I made over our Water Closet while in the midst of a difficult pregnancy which you can read about here and here) but once I realized what room I wanted to transform, and that I was in the planning stages of doing it anyways I decided to go ahead and share the process with all of you.
We live in a two-bedroom rental in San Francisco, a fact that is unlikely to change anytime soon and just welcomed our second child into the world which means, things just got a whole lot cozier around here. We plan to eventually have the kids share a room, but for the better part of the next year baby will be bunking up with us. Which is great, except, I love having my bedroom as one of the few real “adult” spaces in the home and enjoy having it feel like a retreat. Also, it happens to double as my photo studio/office.
With my first, while she slept in a bassinet next to our bed for the first six months of her life, everything else lived in the nursery. From her clothes to the changing station and diaper pail to the baskets of toys, and the glider: meaning it was a minimal intrusion. This time to avoid disturbing her (because no one needs both a newborn and a toddler awake in the wee hours) we’re working to create a shared space that both meets all of these needs without feeling overcrowded and that keeps with our modern aesthetic. That last one is the most challenging as anyone who has shopped for baby gear can attest: minimal and unobtrusive it is not. It can be a struggle to find gear that isn’t colorful, plasticky and bulky. This added challenge is what made me most excited to share the process with all of you. Design Confetti touts itself as a “San Francisco based lifestyle blog featuring home, style, and design news for modern families.” Here’s where we have the opportunity to put that promise to the test and see if we really can create a modern, design-forward space that meets the needs of our family, down to the smallest member.
Click through for all of the before images:

Check Out the Full Fall ORC Series:
Week One | Week Two | Week Three | Week Four | Week Five | Week Six
Thanks for following along. You can check out the rest of the guest participants here or the amazing featured designers here. You can also follow along on Instagram by following #oneroomchallenge for some serious eye candy.