The Best Adult Coloring Books to Destress Right Now
Fantastic Cities, Steve McDonald, $14.95
A couple of weeks back, I wrote a post about the best modern puzzles wherein I said these aren't "your mom's" puzzles, well, my actual mom called me to inform me that she did like them, so I stand corrected. They're for you and your mom. But, I'm here to say that these aren't your kid's coloring books- not because they wouldn't be into them. They probably would, they are pretty cool, but because you're going to want to keep them all to yourself.
Yes, we know adult coloring books had their heyday a few years back then faded from the collective consciousness almost as quickly as they appeared but, hear me out here, they're the perfect pandemic activity. They're de-stressing (practically art therapy), don't require a ton of supplies, and unlike that sourdough starter that you're nurturing on your kitchen counter (just me?), you don't need to look after them like a pet. Oh, and the best part is they'll keep your hands busy, so you don't start the endless scroll-sob in the evenings (again, just me?). We've searched the depths of the internet, ahem, google, and found you some of the coolest, quirkiest, prettiest adult coloring pages out there.
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