Kid’s Desks that You Can Buy Now
I’m writing this post because I’ve personally been hunting down a pint-sized workstation for my Pre-K kiddo, and I get the feeling I’m not the only one. So many options are sold out at the moment that it’s starting to feel like an impossible task, but I’ve come across a handful that are still available, and though I would save some other procrastinating parent like myself a little grief.
First off, that pint-sized workstation that we ended up ordering actually wasn’t a desk. It’s a vanity, which for all intent and purposes… is really just a desk with a mirror. We left the mirror off when we assembled it and voila… a perfectly proportioned little workspace. While ours is currently sold out, there are many vanities out there that should work for this, so I’m including a few you can check out alongside the more traditional options.

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