Design Challenge: January Cure 2020 | The Final Week Recap


While I'm aware that we are now actually quite a bit of the way into February, I came down with something during what should have been the final week of the cure, so I took a little time to rest and recover and caught up the following week. I also wanted to report back after completing my two outstanding assignments: finishing a project and throwing a party! I did finally finish painting the bathroom, and it feels so nice to have some fresh color on the walls (instead of the swatches that have been there since the day we moved in), and the brass fixtures really pop against the navy woodwork. For the party, I decided to host a clothing swap with my local mom's group, and I would definitely consider it a success. I was able to clear out some outgrown and unwanted clothing from both my own wardrobe and the kids, came away with some lovely new pieces, and got to spend time with one of my favorite groups of people. While our home is still a work in progress, it's finally in a state where I feel excited to open it up and invite people in.

Day 16

Set up a landing strip. While we already have a small setup in our storage room, the surface of our console was cluttered to the point where it was no longer serving its intended purpose, so I tidied it up and reset the space to create room for items as they came through the door. This assignment inspired me to start looking into better utilizing the square footage of our little mudroom by creating a built-in with considerably more storage.

Day 17

Catch up day. I used this day to get started on painting the bathroom, and it took much longer than anticipated. Like much of our house, there is a lot of woodwork, so day one was strictly prep, but between working during the baby's nap the following day and during the next few evenings, we were able to get it finished by the end of the week.

Day 18

Surface sweep. This is actually already a daily practice for me, I use the basket method to quickly pick up the house daily during nap time, and before the kids go to bed. It helps me stay ahead of the mess before it becomes too overwhelming.

Day 19

Empty the outbox and reset your living room. I needed to sort through much of the "outbox" to prepare for the clothing swap that I was hosting that weekend, so the timing was perfect. While it was (and still is) overwhelming to go through, everything getting started really is the hardest part. As for the living room, I purged the excess magazines, and the rest of the items ended up finding new homes elsewhere in the house.

Day 20

Done! Relax and Enjoy. Done and done, you don't have to tell me twice.

If you're just tuning in I'm following along with Apartment Therapy's January Cure this month and blogging the process. You can find week one here , week two here, and week three here.