One Room Challenge: Enclosing the Stairs, a Built-in Planter/Bench Combo and a Little Black Paint

I swore up and down this project was going to be low stress despite the timeline, scale, and the fact that we are building so much from scratch. But at this point, I have to admit that we’ve put so much into it that I am fully invested and want to see it to completion. Even if it means we need to push just a little harder over the next few days.

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One Room Challenge: Time to Pick Up the Pace

It’s week three of the One Room Challenge, and here’s what we have done so far. We’ve ordered everything that we need to finish the project and can’t just pick up at the hardware store or lumber yard; we’ve measured, floor planned, taped out, and revised our design ad nauseam, and I’m (reasonably) confident we’ve locked in our final design.

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