Design Confetti

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A Mini Update and a Moving Date!

You may have noticed it’s been a little quieter on here than usual, the past few months have been a flurry of activity, so for sanity’s sake, I’m had to scale back wherever possible. Between adjusting to life as a family of four (I can’t believe the baby is six months already!) to the process of getting our home move in ready it’s been a blur of meetings with contractors, sleep regressions, stripping wallpaper, sleep regressions, preschool tours, unexpected expenses, and… did I mention sleep regressions? While I’ve been able to post occasionally (mostly while shuttling between the apartment and the house) my sleep-deprived brain isn’t firing off pithy sentences the way it usually does.

All that being said… we’re moving THIS week! In five days to be exact. The place is still basically a disaster, but it’s a hopeful one. We’re getting close to finishing up everything that needs to happen and will deal with the rest once we’re in the space full time. Honestly, my biggest concern at the moment is making it a positive and peaceful transition for the kids, so any tips on that front are welcome.

Once we have the move behind us and start to settle into the new space, expect to see a lot more posts about the process. From how we removed the multi-layered wallpaper that was covering many a surface (including the ceiling) to what we’ve learned from attempting to refinish and extend our heartwood flooring, including what we would do differently if we could do it again, to our current undertaking… attempting to paint an entire Victorian by ourselves.

See this gallery in the original post